Seeing people creating a new oppositional binary between transgays and transhets.

As a nonbinary person please understand how fucking frustrating and exhausting this is.

Transgays aren't oppressing transhets.

Transhets aren't oppressing transgays.
Reminder that especially for trans folk, especially for nonbinary folk, the concepts of 'gay' and 'het' are very nebulous/fuzzy/ and subject to change from individual to individual only really achieving any concrete meaning at the individual level.
Trans sexuality and nonbinary sexuality has always been more nuanced. This is why we have so many trans guy lesbians and mspec sexualities and nonbinary fluidity.

To crush trans and nonbinary sexuality down to analogous to cis sexuality is always going to be harmful & reductive.
(and that's a very small set of examples I gave)
And please remember, trans heterosexuality, homosexuality, asexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality etc... etc... etc... are all fucking radical.

The ability for trans people to determine our own body autonomy and relationship to sex challenges cisnormativity at it's core.
The very ability for trans folk to say "THIS is my sexuality/asexuality" is very very important and groundbreaking.

The ability for a trans woman to say "I love men" or "I love women" are both RADICALLY powerful statements.
Additionally, the ability for trans people to say "this is the person I'm attracted to" AND "this is how that relates to my sexuality" (whether conventional or orthodox or not) is so challenging to cisnormativity which seeks to shove trans people into easy cisgender categories.
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