Trying to explain the urgency to ppl around these Covid mutations, and it’s becoming VERY apparent that the fact a large section of society wasn’t educated on even the basic facts of evolution is one of the biggest stumbling blocks here.
If you grew up being taught that evolution is “just a theory” and that it isn’t real?

You lack the scientific framework to understand why every person who gets infected now increases the odds of a vaccine resistant strain more than ever before.
Oh the irony: the “personal liberty” to decide what truth a school could or couldn’t teach our children has now created a society where entire swaths of the population lack the knowledge to see how their “personal liberty” in a pandemic impacts literally everyone else around them
Y’all, this is an quote from someone today:

“What if the next mutations turn out to be less contagious though? We don’t know for sure they will get worse. That’s just one possibility.”

I mean... 🤦🏼‍♀️
I have serious concerns about whether we’ll be able to get enough of the population vaxxed to achieve herd immunity. When SO many ppl lack the science basics to understand why their “individual” choice not to get vaccinated still effects EVERYONE else who does?

This gets scary.
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