As a disabled person myself, I am proud that our party is doing what it can to increase representation for disabled people in politics. Right now, many decisions are made that directly impact disabled people with zero input from disabled people.
The same can be said for BAME people; of which there are two in Holyrood right now out of 129.
For me, the two biggest failings of the UK government of the last five years are Universal Credit/PIP, and the "Hostile Environment", which impact BAME and disabled people. In my brief time working for an MP, the DWP and Home Office were the biggest pain points.
The beaurocracy and callus indifference of both UK government departments caused untold misery to vulnrable people. I thought the point of independence was to create a better nation for everyone? These people included.
The Scottish Government has done a commendable job at creating a better welfare system; a system that is meant to listen to people. I am very conscious that few to none of the legislators setting up a new welfare system are actually disabled thrmselves.
Additionally, legislation over employment law, transport, building regulations, digital connectivity, education, EVERYTHING! needs scruitiny from the perspecrive of people wkth disabilities.
I often see people in the SNP/Yes movement run to someone saying they fancy a move to Scotland with "kettle's on" etc. I think people who have moved here, whose parents or grandparents moved here, still face unique challanges and barriers. We need these insights in Holyrood.
What is being proposed for the SNP for SP21 is a minor step in thr right direction towards this. Its a statement that we don't just want to change the flag. Its a statement that we want to be a modern, progressive country.
The next Yes campaign, and the subsequent new country needs to be for everyone that lives here. It needs to better the lot for everyone.
Its frankly embarrasing that anyone is pushing back on this minor effort to make politics more accessible and representitive. I don't have any interest in standing myself, so don't throw "careerist" at me. I do, however, believe in practicing what we preach.
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