why are people threatened by earnestness and vulnerability? it's something I genuinely don't understand people's reactions to and how "cringe" people seem to think it is. as an autistic person, this is just a natural thing for me and I don't understand the annoyance about it.
I am asking a real question! not rhetorical
some of my very favorite earnest people if you’d like to follow more vulnerable and honest beauties:

- @sheer_awe
- @hnicolemartin
- @AngelNafis
- @Keah_Maria
- @marisabcrane
- @DoSomeMolly
- @yvesandthemoon
- @Dobrenkz
- @mattps139
- @blktinabelcher
- @esmewang
more earnest babies whose posts you’ll enjoy:

- @eve_ettinger
- @yashwinacanter
- @sashaperigo
- @vanessapamela
- @wigglyyyworm
- @_smromero
- @communoah
- @oliviazayry
- @dearskye
You can follow @literElly.
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