for anybody that has doubts that sowon did a n4zi salute, this is an example of a n4zi salute. identical to the one she did
for anybody wondering how ppl figured out that it was a n4zi costume (in the first sowon pic)
also, DO NOT bring other groups (especially ones that didnt do anything anti semitic) into this. it just shows you dont give a fuck about anti semitism and only see this as a silly light thing to shit on others.
also! the person who made that ‘blow it up like the holocaust’ lyric has apologized. also yuju isnt the one who wrote that, however as i said she still could have said smth. only accept the apology IF you’re jewish or have had family affected by the holocaust
even if he didnt mean it that way you shouldnt use the holocaust as a way to express yourself since honestly it undermines the effects it had
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