It's increasingly clear that right-wing think tanks and astroturf organizations are using "school reopening" as a way to demonize teachers unions ahead of nationwide local funding crises. This isn't just about reopening. It's about the existence of public education.
Before you retweet a claim about the "demands" teachers unions are making, check some local reporting. A lot of the shit you see circulating are complete fabrications.
They're trying to transmute justifiable anger about the a failed pandemic response—one that has placed the burdens on the back of individuals and offered almost no social assistance—onto teachers, people who have had nothing to do with causing any of this.
What's more likely, that Reason Magazine, John Stossel, the Cato Institute, and David Brooks started to care about black children, teen suicides, and uneven childcare burdens? Or that they smell blood and have found a new way to woke-wash their decades-long war on AFT/NEA?
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