Recently we’ve seen a narrative emerge that although Biden rejects the Green New Deal, he is embracing key elements of it. While I find this claim dubious, I’d like to explore in this thread some ways we can get Biden to do the GND without DOING the GND.....
For starters we can pressure him to stop issuing drilling permits. In a little over a week, Biden has approved over 30 operations to destroy our national resources as we approach the climate apocalypse.
We can push for a federal jobs guarantee. If we needed one when the GND was written, we sure as hell need one now. Job-loss was greater in 2020 than in the Great Depression and there couldn’t be a better time to mobilize Americans around the greater good.
Let’s give “Stimulus Plus” to the victims of environmental racism. In the next stimulus package, there can be an additional $1k given to those in communities that have already seen the effects of climate change- those that have seen their water poisoned by classists and bigots.
How about an infrastructure package? This always seems to be the policy that is brought up when we discuss potential bipartisanship. Repair our crumbling buildings, bridges etc and while you’re at it, make it all able to withstand batshit crazy weather because it’s gonna need to
Biden can end factory farm subsidies through an executive order. He’s essentially demanded these companies to “be green” but this is never going to happen with big agriculture. If you are mass producing cows, you are hurting the planet. Period.
“The Biden Rail!” We’ve been talking for a long time about building a high speed rail and as Biden says, “This is America, there isn’t a single thing we can’t accomplish.” We stan an optimistic king, let’s accomplish this and deincentivize car travel ovenight.
We can demand the firing of admin picks with ties to oil and gas. @CedricRichmond and others have got to go. Neera Tanden (I’m blocked) is not an option. We don’t have time to pretend that $ from industry doesn’t affect policy decisions, the world is ending.
Clean Water For All! This is a basic concept that we HAVE to move the Overton window on. Humans need water to live and we need our leaders to reject the idea of water as a commodity before it’s too late and guarantee it to all citizens. (Flint still doesn’t have clean water!)
We can convince Biden to invest $ into scientific research. How many times have you heard “we believe in science” and “I will listen to experts.” There’s a lot we still don’t know and having new findings that add to the urgency in a public way could push Biden to act boldly.
We aren’t the only country. When Biden meets with/ calls foreign leaders, our question from the press and through twitter hashtags needs to consistently be “did you talk about climate change?” This needs to be at the top of his list when it comes to influencing other nations.
The Day One Agenda lays out the enormous authority a president has to increase unions in America. At the very least this can be done for jobs in the clean energy sector to incentivize these jobs.
The demand to stop outsourcing is integral to the success of the GND, if we are to adopt bold policies to make industry green, we can’t allow for the loophole of these companies moving jobs overseas where rules are less strict. No federal contracts for outsourcers!
Put indigenous people in every decision room going forward. Anti-pollution has been a major part of indigenous culture AND they have the right to reject even green energy on their land. We’re not doing green-racism.
If the Biden administration wants credit for listening to activists and embracing parts of the GND, it is our job to make them earn it. Let me know in the comments other ideas you have to push for more of this resolution to be put into effect!
You can follow @ComradeHEwas.
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