The number of people who continue to send me links to fringe websites I've never heard of as proof the election was stolen, etc. is rather alarming. Each has a common style -- they seize on an easily confirmable piece of truth then wrap it in a ton of lies and misstatements.
Gateway Pundit is one of just dozens of sites I keep getting sent that really are pushing some crazy stuff, often with kernels of truth, but that then amplify or distort other stuff to make things not true seem true.
It's people getting stuff off social media and they digest it themselves, follow the first few links of things premised in truth, and then conclude the whole thing must be true. But key points get left out, etc.
They assume they are themselves smart enough with good enough BS detectors that they can figure stuff out, but they don't. They just affirm what they already think and none of it is true.
And the clickbait sites are cashing in and don't care so long as they are making money or stirring the pot. None of this ends well for any of us.
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