i'm going to do a thread of my covid symptoms so everyone who is my age knows: you do NOT want this thing.

on day 1 i woke up with a massive headache and extreme eye pain, dizziness, sore throat, cough. extreme fatigue and exhaustion and body pain. no fever, thankfully.
days 1-3 those same symptoms persisted. body pain became worse & worse, and i began losing my taste and smell and developing shortness of breath on day 3.

day 4 my taste and smell were completely gone. i had to stop to catch my breath every time i spoke. other symptoms persisted
also on day 4, the nausea set in. i ended up nearly throwing up all of my dinner from that night.

days 5 and 6 have been hell on earth as far as stomach issues go. i'm nauseated constantly and i can't keep food down. still suffering from other symptoms on top of that.
y'all, please wear a mask, if not to protect others than to protect yourself. it's not a 100% guarantee that it will protect you from the virus (i wore masks everywhere i went), but it could save you or someone else from this.

anyways there it is. send prayers pls.
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