I hate the that Jeff Zucker moved @CNN's broadcasts out of Atlanta and to NYC. Nothing against NYC, but the US needs national news outlets based in the Deep South.

If more were, we'd have seen less white people safaris to Ohio treating Trump voters like mysterious mutants. https://twitter.com/brianstelter/status/1355607862605721601
Obvs, it'd depend on leadership at the top of such an outlet that was devoted to truth-telling journalism.

But when most in nat'l news outlets live in DC/NYC, it isn't a surprise that we get 1000 stories trying to figure out Trump voters but very few on Biden/Hillary ones.
If you live in NYC/DC and you're a journalist, you're around liberals/Democrats all the time. And you're probably more sensitive to accusations of liberal bias. Thus, all the endlessly condescending Ohio Trump voter diner safaris for sympathetic "economic anxiety" stories.
Maybe we'd even get more Black voter stories in barber shops and beauty salons that actually ask Black voters what they think/what's important to them instead of bringing on old white male pundits to explain Black voters to us (often wrongly).
Anyway, I love a lot of national reporters in DC/NYC who do great work. But nat'l news needs regional diversity with on-the-ground reporting from people who do not live in NYC or DC. It needs people who daily interact with people in other parts of the US, not just visiting them.
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