In response to this Q:

I give a list of activities that were kicked off by the ICH E9 estimands addendum (I believe) and that I am aware of (and/or involved in). I am sure there is much more, so no ambition at all to be comprehensive.

Please RT!
4) The onco estimand WG has several papers on various topics around implementation, see

- Treatment switching.
- Solid tumors.
- Hematology.
- PRO,
- Application of principal stratification strategy (with a gentle intro to causal inference).
5) Many more topics are worked on around academia, industry, and regulators. E.g., the onco estimand WG kicked off task forces for:

1) Clinical engagement
2) Principal stratum application for tmt switching
3) PRO
4) Time to Response and DOR
5) Follow-up for Quantification
6) Estimands and RWD
7) Conditional vs Marginal
8) Time-to-event endpoints with prognostic or predictive biomarker subgroups

As said, by no means comprehensive. Please reach out if you'd like more info. And please RT!
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