Scorched earth strategy in Open Source Software: if your competitors are doing something to capture value, open source an alternative that doesn't have that value capture to regain the initiative

This is a tried and true strategy. @google and @kubernetesio is a great example 🧵
Back in 2013-2014 there was an intense battle for which container orchestration software would win. Many companies were competing and most were trying to build in ways to lock in users and capture value along the way...

(sound familiar?)
@google had been running one of these systems (BORG) for years. They decided to open source their v2, ( @kubernetesio) which they were building with a new programming language developed in house, ( @golang) to place themselves ahead of the pack in this emerging technology.
The below pie from 2019 tells the story: the platform w/o value capture/lock-in which built an ecosystem of open source development around it won in a LANDSLIDE.
In the process, users of @kubernetesio built an open source ecosystem of 1000s of companies providing services and improvements, further increasing its lead over the competition.

Now, lets get back to blockchains...
@cosmos has been applying this strategy to blockchain interoperability for years now. There are many build-your-own blockchain frameworks and proprietary, specific bridge technologies with value capture/lock-in baked in...

...and then there is @cosmos and #IBC
The ecosystem of open source development has already solidified (200+ projects, ~3000 of developers) around this emerging standard. It even has an advantage @kubernetesio and the other "scorched earth" OSS projects never did:

IBC is first to market with this technology.
Its up and to the right from here folks. Come get in while the getting is good. 
You can follow @jack_zampolin.
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