The Bhopal Gas Tragedy has already caused a lot of ecological balance and loss of life but now they are being asked to participate in the Covaxin trials without taking any consent.
#39CSustain #EffectsofBhopalGasTragedy @39CSustain
This one of the grossest forms of human rights violations. Neither the state government or the vaccine company (Bharat Biotech) have claimed responsibility over this gross incompetence.
Historical Context: The MIC gas then drifted in the densely populated regions of Bhopal and the final death toll is estimated to be 20,000. Nearly half a million survivors now have a very compromised immune system making them susceptible to cancer, blindness etc.
During the green revolution, India was looking for foreign investments to double their yield in crops and protect them. The Union Carbide company set up it's plant in Bhopal in 1969. The process was very rushed and employees weren't even given proper training.
Vibhuta Jha of the Poisonous Gas Episode Struggle Front told Reuters that this settlement is a victory of Union Carbide because the settlement has almost no impact on the company. This is an example of market justice over social justice.
Many organisations had written to the Prime Minister ( @PMOIndia) Narendra Modi asking the government to stop the trials on the survivors because they have already a very compromised immune system. However, the trials did not stop.
Apart from this, the PM Care Funds have also been allegedly stealing from the funds that are used for compensation for the Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
This gross negligence is not only a matter of enviornmental rights but also basic human rights. Till around 2001 the residents did not have access to clean drinking water, clean water was only supplied after the Supreme Court ordered the MP government.
So who is working for the rights of the Gas leak survivors? The multination cooperations are engaged in a race to absolve themselves. The government which is supposed to work for the people are stealing from them and stealing from the already poor and marginalised.
When will cooperations and government stop treating human lives lost as collateral damage?
#EffectsofBhopalGasTragedy #bhopalgastragedy
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