I've recently seen some very upsetting instances where people are claiming certain things are abuse when they aren't. This is harmful & will result in an instant block from me. Disliking a thing, being suspucious, or not understanding does not mean it's okay to call it abuse.
Here are some examples of things incorrectly being labelled abuse:
Taking children to church.

No, atheists, this isn't abuse. If church/god are a part of your life, of course you'll take your children with you to church.
Raising a child on a vegetarian diet.

No, omnivores, this isn't abuse. Children can be perfectly healthy as vegetarians.
Homeschooling children, even if the parent isn't an actual teacher.

No, this isn't abuse. Is it very difficult to do right? Absolutely. Does it work for everyone? Of course not. That still doesn't mean it's inherently abusive.
Restricting media that children are subjected to.

No, this isn't abuse. The type of content children consume can make a difference to their development &, like eating random plants from the garden, sometimes it's best to prevent them from poisoning themselves by accident.
Telling someone with mental illness that you disagree with something they've said about mental illness.

No, this isn't abusive. It's tricky to navigate, yes, & you need to make sure you're listening damn well. But it still isn't abuse. People don't always have to agree.
Disciplining a child for misbehaving.

Not all Discipline is abuse. Physically harming a child is abusive (yep, spanking, too), but part of a parent's job is to teach their child that actions have consequences (good or bad).
Cheating on your partner.

Sorry, this isn't abuse. I'm not here to give my opinions on the morality of the thing, only to say that disloyalty on its own does not = abuse. Can it be part of a larger problem? Oh yeah definitely. That still doesn't make every cheater an abuser.
Someone refusing to engage with you or answer questions.

I know, but it's not abuse. Part of a larger issue? Possibly. But sometimes someone just doesn't want to or can't engage right now & they have every right to make that decision, even if it's upsetting to you.
Calling things abusive when they aren't doesn't help anyone. It can actually hurt people who have been abused. We should call out harmful things always, but please make sure you're using appropriate language. Innacurate statements about abuse can hurt people.
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