People ask me all the time what the anti-trans gender critical movement’s endgame is, and I reply their goal is to stop future transitioning (especially for youth) and get everyone else to detransition.

This isn’t every single participant’s goal but it’s the overall mission.
Stemming from their overall anti-trans goal, the gender critical movement is also about misogyny (denying women their bodily autonomy over reproduction or transition), homophobia, and even racism.

Again, not all participants are into these things but they allow them.
Many gender critics still follow me. I’m fine with that because I want them to see the way out. GC leaders give the movement a horrible image; I have to ask the regular participants what’s in it for them.

If they’re against homophobia and misogyny, GC culture isn’t for them.
GCs, look at how your leaders talk about women being ‘weak’ and how they’ve thrown gay rights under the bus just to ‘own the trans.’ You’re owning yourselves instead.

Trans people aren’t your enemy, but you’ve been surrounding yourselves with people against your own rights.
There’s not a single group or organization in the gender critical movement that isn’t harming women’s and gay rights in their efforts to stop trans rights. Not one! Most UK ones are happy to justify working with the US religious right. Doesn’t that bother you?
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