Ryan Knight is happy that people aren’t getting 2K; it means more marks for his Patreon.

He is gleefully dragging Democrats. Look how happy he is!

The worst thing that could happen to Ryan is if Dems gave retroactive monthly checks.

That’s how you can tell he’s a grifter. https://twitter.com/proudsocialist/status/1355924554053373954
Ryan will never in his entire life say a good word about Democrats. It’s anathema to his grift.
And as soon as Dems do something good, Ryan will either ignore it or move on to something else Dems aren’t doing to his specifications. He’s all stick, no carrot.


Because he needs people to join his Movement for a People’s Party grift.
What’s the Movement for a People’s Party?

It’s the third party that he decided to start literally four months before the general election.

It was always intended to be a spoiler party. He and Jimmy Dore want you to follow them into battle. Lolz
I don’t for a second believe that Ryan Knight is a socialist.

Ryan is a capitalist. He found bigger marks on the left, so he switched from being a Hillary supporter to ‘blue no matter who’ to a Warren supporter and then immediately before Super Tuesday, to a Bernie supporter.
Ryan is a man utterly without principles and lacking in intelligence. He steals his pithy tweet ideas from radical ideas suggested by Black and brown leftists. Then he waters down these ideas and sells them as tweets that would best be featured on tweet of the day toilet paper.
Right now his big project is recasting AOC as a centrist to appease the rabid numpties who are mocking her and calling her a fraud—along with the rest of the squad including Cori bush who’s been in congress for a hot two weeks—so he can MAKE MORE MONEY IN DONATIONS.
And lest you thing to yourself, but Imani, people move left.

Sure. But people usually explain how and why they moved left. They don’t simply add ‘socialist’ to their Twitter handle, slap a rose emoji on their profile, and declare themselves king of the socialists.
This is who Ryan Knight is. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. https://twitter.com/angryblacklady/status/1351514247134470147
If you read his Twitter, it consists of the same two thoughts worded in different ways.

And then when those tweets don’t get the requisite 2K likes, he goes back and finds his old viral tweets and retweets those.

It’s the oldest social media scam in the book.
Notice how he never tweet about himself?

Never tweet about a TV show that he’s watching and enjoying. Never tweets about a meal he’s eaten and enjoyed.

Every tweet is curated to garner the maximum number of likes in order to push the maximum number of people to his Patreon.
But Imani, you’re thinking, why are you picking on Ryan?

Because he is an obstacle to progress.

Because he does not want Democrats to succeed.

And if he does not want Democrats to succeed, that means he does not want you to be lifted out of whatever hardship you’re suffering.
It is one thing to advocate for a 3rd party—to actually organize to create a viable 3rd party. It is another thing to create a 3rd party as a spoiler 4 months before a general election and then to do absolutely nothing to help the working class people he pretends to care about.
So yeah. I think Ryan is bullshit.

I want Biden to send people $2000 checks not just because he said he would;

not just because people need $2000;

but also because it would be keeping a campaign promise and would help Democrats maintain power in 2022.

That is critical for my abobo advocacy space.
So unfollow me if you need to. But do not compare me to that fucking guy.
You can follow @AngryBlackLady.
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