On the topic of Indigenous peoples, "settlers," Settler-colonialism, I would like to present a thread on the Communist Party USA's position on Native American Indian Liberation adopted at the 22nd CPUSA Convention in 1979. CPUSA leadership included Gus Hall, Angela Davis, etc.
"A crisis exists for the Native American Indian peoples. The American Indian and Alaska Native Peoples and nationalities are fighting for their very survival against the power of state monopoly capitalism. They are victimized by the wanton exploitation and destruction..(see pic)"
"The key aspect of the Native American Indian struggle is that it is being waged by oppressed indigenous nationalities for survival...These oppressed nationalities have territories comprising some 2.4 percent of the United States & containing an estimated $1,000 billion of coal"
"Marxist-Leninist science teaches that there are both positive and negative aspects to a national movement, its class content being the determining factor. The Native American Indian struggle is part of the overall struggle to curb monopoly power..."
"The solutions to the struggle of the Native American Indian peoples must be found in the application of Marxist-Leninist principles to the national question in the fight for development, full freedom and equality for oppressed national minorities and peoples..."
"[Primary accumulation of capital in the US] The enslavement of millions of Africans provided a vast source of labor for superexploitation, while the genocidal dispossession of the Indians provided the soil on which Afro-Americans were forced to toil."
"Today, the theft continues, chiefly through the forced settlement of N.A. Indian claims, the object being to drive N.A. Indians off their remaining lands..The loss of land continues, but it is the gobbling up of natural resources that is the hallmark of the dispossession today."
"The Indian Left is increasingly giving its attention to the anti-monopoly aspects of the struggle & is beginning to work with progressive unions...The need for electoral struggle, & for the N.A. Indian masses to be represented as nationalities at the state and federal level..."
"At the same time, there are still forces in the movement influenced by the ultra-left who follow a narrow nationalism, who assert a 'fourth world' identity, who see 'industrialization' or 'Westernization' as the enemy rather than the monopoly capitalists"
"It is therefore the task of the Communist Party USA, and its members to help build the strongest possible unity of the working class and the anti-monopoly movement in fighting for the immediate demands of the Native American Indian peoples..."
"In the process of this struggle, the Communist Party also seeks to further develop the study and application of the scientific theory and experiences of Marxism-Leninism to work out successful solutions to the question of full Native American Indian liberation..."
"1. The right of Native American Indian peoples to be recognized as distinct nationalities, with sovereignty over reservations, including the right to levy taxes on corporate property, to self-government, and full jurisdiction over trial and punishment for violation of laws..."
"2. The right of Native American Indian peoples to retain and expand their land bases, to control their resources, which include historic water, fishing and mineral rights, and recognition of the treaty relationship as a basis for reclaiming jurisdiction over land and resources"
"3. An immediate end to all forms of harassment, to violent and criminal assaults against Native American Indian peoples and their leaders by State and Federal agencies, including the terrorist police agencies (FBI, CIA, etc.). The immediate release of all political prisoners..."
"4. The right to receive full value for all resources taken from their lands and waters, and the right to take over monopoly enterprises and place them under cooperative or other form of people's control, and to develop their own industries and resources."
"5. An end to all genocidal practices, such as sterilization and medical experimentation, being carried out against Native American peoples."
"6. The right to use their respective languages, religions, customs and traditions, and to the sanctity of religious sites and burial grounds."
"7. Prompt turning over to the indigenous peoples of Alaska all of the 40 million acres due them under the Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act. Also add to reservation and village lands contiguous to towns and mineral areas, so as to improve the economic viability..."
"8. The right to full representation in all levels of government, thus giving Native American Indian peoples and nationalities a voice in those bodies that make laws and decide policies that affect their lives and interests..."
"9. The right to job training and employment on the basis of affirmative action, to union protection, on-the-job safety, in health, education, housing, economic and job development, in order to counter centuries of oppression. Benefits to be received irrespective of place..."
"10. Support the fight of Native American Indian Peoples in their demands for reparations, technical and financial aid, and governmental aid to those Native peoples living in urban areas who choose to be repatriated to their homelands."
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