1 "...if you don’t think that 'To The Stars Academy' is a fully staffed CIA, DoD, counter-intel company, put together for some crazy UFO agenda, listen to this..."

~Jimmy Church

2 "....the first thing that stands out for me is DeLonge’s interim CEO title. You need to think about this for a second because if he is replaced as CEO by say, Jim Semivan, that would make 'To The Stars Academy' a full on CIA operation."

~Jimmy Church
3 Church: "[TTSA] is a full on disinfo. campaign. And it is wholly controlled by the Department of Defense and the CIA. Wholly. Wholly controlled. It’s those journalists, those researchers, those authors and show hosts that have cozied up to TTSA. Right? They are the ones that
4 Church: "have the most to lose. How will they be able to face the nation when the reality hits the fan that they’ve represented the CIA, written for the CIA… (laughs) a CIA from outfit. Like the United Fruit Company, from 1964."
5 Church: "Eventually, [TTSA] will get exposed for what it is. And you’re gonna have to turn around and face your friends in the UFO community…your audience in the UFO community and go, “Well, I wholly supported and got paid by and have stock in a CIA front company that was
6 Church: "controlling disinformation out to the world on the UFO agenda.” Because that’s what it appears to be. It doesn’t appear to be anything else but that. And I keep saying the word appear. I am basing it on fact.
7 Church: "I’m not…I’m not…I’m not just going down some conspiracy rabbit hole here. They are going to have to face that."
8 "I have not heard anybody say…anybody from TTSA, that UFOs are real and they have the proof and they are part of the government and they’re bringing this information forward."

~Jimmy Church
9 "In my opinion, if this does turn out to really, genuinely be true and Mr. Elizondo has embellished to the point of fabricating his background…if that turns out to be true, in my opinion, that will be more damaging to this entire story than anything else." ~John Greenewald
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