Ron Johnson is THE most vulnerable GOP Senator up in 2022. After the insurrection, 60% of Wisconsinites said he should be replaced. But it'll take a massive effort to win. We just need 197 new monthly donors to reach our January goal of 1000—chip in now!
Johnson added fuel to the fire of insurrection, pushing conspiracy theories and even saying he would vote against certifying electoral college votes. Then he flip-flopped, and now openly says that effort would’ve disenfranchised voters.
While 55% of Wisconsinites think Ron Johnson should resign, the more shocking finding is that 30% of Wisconsinites have no opinion of him at all. If these Wisconsin voters knew Johnson’s record, they’d vote him out in 2022. We have our work cut out for us.
Trump may be out of the White House, but his best buddies, *including* Ron Johnson, still have a job—even after inciting a riot and pandering to Trump during his entire administration. So we’re going to hold Johnson accountable and end his political career.
Defeating Ron Johnson won’t be easy. The Democratic White House and 50-50 Senate split will motivate the GOP to do whatever it takes to take control of the Senate in 2022. All eyes will be on the Wisconsin Senate race.
But we have a real shot at sending Ron Johnson packing—because we learned so much from 2020. We know that in order to win, we need to organize and communicate year-round. And that’s exactly what we’re doing.
We’re laying the groundwork right now to reach every voter in Wisconsin with the full story of Johnson & the harm he’s caused our families while governing in our name. We’re building teams to organize young people, workers, communities of color, rural voters—and boot Johnson out.
This means *lots* of conversations, public education, organizing folks who’ve previously been disenfranchised, and ads, like this one that we aired in every region of Wisconsin demanding Ron Johnson resign:
As we plan for the year ahead, we know that the sustainable support from our monthly donors will determine the success of our work to defeat Ron Johnson.
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