Characteristics of fascism :
1. Powerful & Continuing Nationalism
- Patriotic Motto
- Aggressive slogans
- Provoking Symbols
- Songs
- Use of Flags

2. Disregard of Human Rights
- Approving the torture
- Look other way

3. Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause
- racial
- ethnic or religious minorities
- liberals
- communists
- socialists
- terrorists

4. Supremacy of the Military
- The military is given a disproportionate
amount of government funding
- Soldiers and military service are glamorized
5. Widespread Sexism
- The government tends to be almost
exclusively male-dominated
- Traditional gender roles are made more rigid
- Divorce, abortion, and homosexuality are
6. Controlled Mass Media
- The media is directly or indirectly controlled
by the government
- Censorship is very common

7. Obsession with National Security

- Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
- Governments use the most common religion
in the nation as a tool to manipulate public
- Religious messages and terminology are
common from government leaders
9. Corporate power is protected
- Mutual beneficial government businessmen relationship.

10. Labour power is suppressed
- Labour union are seen as huge threat
- Labour union are eliminated or suppressed
11. Disrespect for Intellectuals and the Arts
- Open hostility to higher education
- Professors and other academics are censored, or
even arrested
- Free expression in the arts and writing is openly attacked
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
- Local police are given almost limitless power to
enforce laws
- People are often willing to overlook police
abuses in the name of patriotism
- Often a national police force with virtually
unlimited power
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

- Friends and associates appoint each other to
government positions
- Officials use governmental power and
authority to protect their friends from
14. Fraudulent Elections
- Elections are often a complete sham
- Elections may be manipulated by smear
- Manipulation of the
media to control elections
- Occasional assassination of
opposition candidates
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