Here’s what happened so far -- and how GOP is misreading.

Biden puts out $1.9 trillion relief bill, indicates he’s open to negotiation w/GOP and want’s bipartisan bill, while stressing urgency.

GOP slams it, pretty much says it’s dead on arrival. But...
…GOP doesn’t offer a counter-proposal/engage in negotiation. A typical McConnell move, and he’s clearly directing.

They expected that Biden would come back again with yet another pared down proposal, thinking we’re in 2009 or something.

But he doesn’t.
Instead, Democratic leaders indicate they’ll do it via budget reconciliation, 51 votes, if GOP doesn’t want to get aboard.

Biden reiterates he’d like it to be bipartisan, but if that’s the way it’s got to go, so be it.

No ifs, ands, or buts.
Susan Collins then faints on the couch — feels “betrayed.”

Betrayed for what? Not having a Democrat bow to her?

Of course she’s sent out as a McConnell stalking horse.
But that doesn’t work either.

So very concerned Susan Collins writes a letter to Biden with several other faux-moderate GOP senators, finally offering a counter-proposal because they’re desperate, their plan backfired and don’t want to be seen not signing a relief bill.
But that counter-proposal is laughable. It’s not serious. It’s not a negotiation. It’s a complete slash and burn.

It does show their desperation, however, because they say we can pass this and you can do the rest via budget reconciliation later.

Now, why would Dems do that?
Why would Dems help give these faux-moderate GOP cover by passing something less that adequate so that they can say they passed something, and then do the rest via budget reconciliation?

Well, what Collins  are hoping is to channel Biden’s inner Joe.
They’re thinking of the Biden they knew, or the Biden of the past, or whatever, who might connect with them — you know, Susan’s old pal.

But we’re in a whole different era. How could Dems possibly trust GOP by passing something meager and...
..then trying to pass the rest via budget reconciliation, only to find that maybe even some Dems might not want to pass the rest later.

Especially since Susan might get to the other Joe, her other pal, Manchin.

Susan Collins IS Mitch McConnell. Just keep that in mind.
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