I may be completely off base(often am-I draw a lot of parallels from local traders making markets in the pits on trading floors to the #wallstreetsbets, $GME phenomena now. Independent traders were major component of markets for decades till a slow decline culminating with floors
2-closing. Most successful local(retail or I prefer independent) traders retired or went bust(me included) before or right after the crises of 08. Too big to fail banks pushed us out, stacked the deck against us locals. Over time, some of us began to adapt to a new mindset-
3-the shift I had to go through was back to bare basics, I am no longer a market maker but a market taker! Period! That said, slowly over time the pendulum has begun to swing back in our favor. The Fed & banks with their hedge funds are perceived to be losing control of not just
4 monetary policy, but of market control, one side point, gold isn’t a hedge for inflation but a hedge against CB’s losing control. Now, with $BTC we see a new hedge against the CBs losing control. Anyway-Over time as retail traders began to rise & adapt to the new age of trading
5-we have seen a shift in power as the ‘nickels we pick up on front of bulldozers’ add up to billions, the Fed, big banks & their hedge funds lose a sliver of control back into the hands of independent or retail traders. This is exciting to me, while at the same time terrifying
6-what are the implications on the rumored short squeeze in silver. Yes, silver/gold are completely manipulated, but so are equity, bonds & forex markets let alone synthetic derivatives. So, where does this lead? How does this end for the western banking system?
7-do independent traders & the establishment fund equilibrium? Or is this the final nail in the too big to fail banks?
As a market taker, I will continue to do the same thing day in & day out to be profitable in the markets I trade. I will keep it simple, manage my risk & profit
If you read this, please excuse me if I am off base, these are nothing more then the poorly written musings of a independent trader who has seen a thing or two. Blessings to you all!
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