#ArtOfQuestioning #ArtOfQuizzing #Interview

In majority of the threads, we write about Interviewees. This is a source for a large majority of interesting experiences.

How about Interviewers? Surely, they are not holier than thou. I have seen some gems to real nasty ones

One of the key aspects of an interviewer is the ability to gain the confidence of the Interviewee..

The Interviewee may be inept or inefficient, but should NEVER feel disrespected or devalued. He/She should feel good about the experience as they are your ambassadors..

once they leave the office.

One of the fundamental qualities for an interviewer is the ability to ask a question & more importantly extract an answer.

No question is binary 0 or 1. Every question comes with it's own context, process & expectations

Being straight or curt in the name of being upright is sure shot red flag. Even if the Interviewee is chosen, he may rethink 100 times before working with such a person.

When the Interviewee is stuck, how do you guide him to the answer.. ask relevant questions ..

Maybe a clue or hint at times.. It's usually the process that determines the ability of the candidate more than the final answer.

Answers can be memorized.. Steps come from fundamentals.. Fundamentally strong candidate is always an asset

To conclude, we must look at our skills on questioning and more importantly how we make the other person feel.

Remember, a person values his self-dignity.. If you puncture that, that relationship is broken for eternity

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