If it were to happen:
• I’d agree with a new anthem.
• I’d agree with a new flag - of the existing ones the Pres. Standard would be my preference, but I wouldn’t rule out another one.

Continued in thread... https://twitter.com/eoinyk/status/1355614935565393920
• It’d be better to have some status whereby enthusiasts of the Commonwealth could participate, but which wouldn’t impose on those who don’t identify with the Commonwealth. Maybe Ireland and the Commonwealth entering a partnership, or cooperation agreement?
• The model I’d propose (which I’m persuadable on) would be 4-province federalism, with NI continuing as an entity, & powers/responsibilities split between it & an Ulster administration as they see fit, along w some institutions being shared between the 2 to avoid duplication.
• I think further work needs done to develop a shared ethos for NI.

A ceremonial leader could be part of that. But I’d prefer a President of NI we’d elect ourselves, rather than a ‘Governor’ imposed on us by our neighbouring jurisdictions.
• I’d like to see a constitution recognise NI as a distinct nation, like Quebec in Canada.

But I don’t see why we should recognise some ethnicities & not others. Nor is ethnic identity is the be-all & end-all - each individual’s identity is unique. I’d need further persuasion.
• A permanent right of British citizenship should exist in Northern Ireland in a UI, and be available to people from all sides of the community, not just “PUL” people. This is arguably laid out in the Good Friday Agreement already.
• Under a federal model, I wouldn’t see a need for NI/Ulster to have a permanent right to appoint two cabinet positions? The region would be protected by enhanced devolution, and under a federal model you could(?) reform the Seanad to give each province an equal number of seats.
• Northern Ireland needs a new flag, which may likely be a novel design. The St. Patrick’s Saltire is a historical all-Ireland flag rather than an NI-specific flag. I’m hopeful to see what the FICT Commission come out with on this.
• I’m just realising this is proposing breaking NI into ‘East Ulster’ and ‘Tyrconnell’. Bad idea imo, for reasons which aren’t difficult to figure out.
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