A word to my older saints: maybe you feel like all those prayers for revival didn’t work. Church attendance is still down, country is forsaking a Christian identity. Teens care more about their devices than going to church. Where’s the third great awakening you longed for?

I’m 22. I’ve seen the trend of most of my friends hitting college and leaving the church. Maybe they’ll come back; maybe they wont. But here’s something else I’ve seen. Revival is here. It just doesn’t look like you thought it would.
This country was built on manifest destiny; slavery, genocide, and other atrocities committed in the name of “God and country.” For hundreds of years, entire christian denominations were created for the singular purpose of maintaining the power and supremacy of a particular race.
Yes, God IS emptying the pews for this brand of cultural Christianity. Of a church that has not loved their neighbors. Of a church that has not done justice, loved mercy, and walked humbly. He doesn’t care about a church on every corner but the hearts of the people in them.
Revival is here. It’s sweeping our lands. My generation, raised on Veggietales and KLove, knows there is something missing. Some of these seeds fell on the path, some were eaten by thorns, but my God is NOT through working with the seeds He has planted for His purposes.
The Spirit-led passion for Godly justice, mercy, and humility I see in the future church leaders my age is astounding. God is raising up a new church, perhaps smaller in number, but ever more diverse, ever more faithful, ever more truth-seeking than before.
Your prayers for my generation worked, saints. And don’t stop them now. We’re here. And we’re not going anywhere.

Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit forever. Hallelujah. Maranatha.
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