When Biden administration talks about “racial equity” instead of “racial equality,” it’s implying “Jews and Asians should have fewer high-paying jobs and prestigious college admissions and less wealth.” Seems to me that’s a bigger concern to Jews than “insane 1-term backbencher.”
I don’t think that’s Biden’s personal preference, but he’s constrained by keeping Democrats in his coalition happy, and it’s going to be the policy downstream from him in every agency and department that he’s not micromanaging, as demonstrated by his EO.
We need to be talking more about how “racial equity” demands equality of results regardless of opportunity, and how that zero-sum approach necessarily demands treating Jews and Asians unfairly because of their disproportionate success.
When you focus on a crazy person who will be primaried out in 2022 because you worry about “Jewish space laser” conspiracy theories, you’re distracting from much bigger dangers to Jews from bad ideas propounded by people who have the power and intent to implement them.
We can do both: absolutely make fun of Greene and work to get her out of office and punish Republicans who support her. But keep your eye on the bigger picture. Jewish success is despite racism, not because of it, and we need to fight the false ideology that says otherwise.
Told you so. People slammed me in another thread for “speculating” about this extreme-left-wing position but it took less than two weeks in office for Biden administration to say it doesn’t care about racial discrimination against Asians in the name of “equity.” https://twitter.com/crampell/status/1356996579597680647
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