I’ve seen a lot of things over the last year about COVID tests and how we shouldn’t trust positive tests. Well don’t trust the negative ones either! I tested positive on both tests and my entire family tested negative.
I ended up taking my daughter to the hospital because her fever was so high and her cough was crazy. (out of no where btw) She had those symptoms earlier in the day but it picked up. She was positive at the hospital. The entire family is getting tested somewhere else next week.
My point is just because you tested negative doesn’t mean you are negative. It gives you that false sense of security. Listen to your body and don’t be afraid to take multiple tests and spread them out. Be responsible and stay away from others until you know your real results.
My daughter is doing fine now. All they can really do is Tylenol. She is sick but every active so that’s a blessing 🙌🏿
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