I've said for many years that I'm no longer a football fan, I just happen to love #saintsfc and so I still watch football. If I had any doubts which I don't yesterday would have removed those doubts which I don't have. Make sense? No, neither does football anymore when you 1/4
Have to wait before celebrating a goal whilst idiots aka VAR officials try their best to disallow the goal and often succeed even when the referee ( remember him, the man on the pitch with a little whistle he loves blowing) hasn't made a clear and obvious mistake.....2/4
Where an arm can be deemed offside but can't legitimately be used to score but can be used to save a goal and as we now know not just by goalkeepers. Referees are human you say, I believe they are actually from another world where common sense isn't common at all.. 3/4
And eye sight tests are considered unnecessary. I have a good imagination, could I make THIS up? Of course I couldn't and if I did people would laugh at such absurdity. Only I don't feel like laughing as I am tired of the game I used to love being ruined. Sad times 😏😏 #football
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