It’s been a rough two days. Paris has been sick with what we believe is a common cold (no fever) but it’s a pandemic and you can’t be sure so she has been kept home most of the last two weeks. Our weekday routine has struggled. This happened
We still had 30 mins of OT to do for Riley but Riley’s OT just walked me through my shock and bit of anger with Paris. If you listen in both videos I assumed that Paris did this maliciously or in anger due to Riley getting attention.
And my reaction shows my prejudice 😩😖😣. I am embarrassed rewatching this
So she cleaned up and I stimmed and said mantras to myself
The truth.... she didn’t do this maliciously at all. She was being a curious toddler, a scientist. She did it in the first few minutes of Riley and I being away and if I had on the nanny cam on. I would have seen that.
So what looked like a tantrum of anger and destruction was just curiosity gone too far unchecked. Which is my and my circumstances fault. Not her the 3 year old toddler learning to communicate
I’ve apologized to Paris and I’ve given myself grace. It was a good lesson for me, but I thought I would share:

1) Cause y’all swear I’m perfect and I’m not
2) To share the lesson. Tash did that so you don’t have to go through that.
Also. It’s been 2 weeks of little therapy (we tried 2 days last week and her coughing caused concern) and I think she’s use to constant attendance and activity when I can’t do that because I also have Riley who has virtual therapy.
So send one up for every parent following quarantining rules the best they can and parenting multiple children. Everybody is struggling
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