I have gotten a number of questions about why we should be angry at Dr. Fauci, the NIH and CDC. The answer is simple, early in the pandemic a decision was made to do a full court press against the disease which looked like it had a mortality rate around 4% instead 0.1-0.3%.
This included massive industrial efforts to acquire PPE for first line workers, educate the public, initial lockdowns, study repurposing drugs and developing vaccines. Many of the efforts proved tremendously successful. But exploration of drug repurposing always seemed to lag.
Why was that? Early it was a conflict over the EUA for Remdesivir, a drug Dr. Fauci was personally vested in. Early reports of Hydroxychloroquine success in treating COVID19 threatened the EUA for Remdesivir. FDA EUA’s are only used if there is no safe alternatives.
If the FDA approved drug was as effective as Remdesivir, it would never receive an EUA to approve its use. You had the same issue with vaccines, being fast tracked for EUAs to allow their use. Billions of dollars of R&D and production investment were at stake.
The leadership of the NIH, WHO and the French and UK’s equivalents were fully onboard with vaccine development. They could not resist all pressure to study the Hydroxychloroquine so studies were started that appeared to be designed to fail.
These organizations had more money and power than they ever dreamed was possible. Perverse Federal giveaways of IP rights to researchers aggravated the rush into the unknown. Add that the head of the effort was the Trump administration and a perfect political storm was joined.
Extreme tactics to ridicule, discredit and derail repurposed drugs was undertaken by liberal leaning politicians, the MSM, NIH and Big Pharma. Fraudulently designed studies with fraudulent conclusions were used to detract and delay such treatments.
Wild exaggerations of the pandemic were used to focus on lockdowns instead of protecting the vulnerable. The disease is bad, and I am for the emergency research to control it, but this was a chance explosion; the hysteria justified a windfall of tens of billions.
While at the same time giving the Democrats an opportunity to skewer the President, loudly amplified by their adoring Press. With Hydroxychloroquine discredited, they thought, they also ignored other research of safe drugs that could be used, like Ivermectin.
But fortunately, around the world, many doctors, virologists, and epidemiologists continued to speak and research the truth. New treatments were advanced but still, even today, Dr. Fauci claims there is no evidence these treatments work, which is and always has been a lie.
It is reasonable to assume that focused protection on the vulnerable, use of repurposed drugs and the use of several Vitamin and mineral supplements could have prevented 50-90% of the fatalities. But it was not in Big Pharma, NIH or Dr. Fauci’s interests.
Combined therapies:
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
bio-available zinc
And others are underway. We will know soon how many people worldwide Dr. Fauci, Big Pharma, the MSM and Democrat politicians let die as they destroyed lives.
The worldwide toll may be 1 to 1.6 million people. The cost in life for profits and power is staggering. Look at the following summary, how far down on the list is Remdisivir? We’re their actions criminal? They were certainly immoral. How did this happen?
Another take! The science and honest dialog about the pandemic are the first example of broad nihilistic efforts by academia, the press, Democrat leadership and MSM to cancel inconvenient thinking. Those supporting Dr. Fauci are actual science deniers.
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