#nofgm thread about getting period for the first time. Trigger warning. So in our communities no ones discuses period or sex. So you don't know that .you are suppose to get period and its part of life. You truly have no idea
The first time I got period. I freaked out . I thought, I was dying literally. I told my cousin I am dying
She asked how .I said I am bleeding and my abdomen is on fire 🔥. First she said you are not dying . You have become a woman .
There its my panic gear goes into overdrive. She mentioned the word woman. The source of my pain. I associate the womanhood with something terrible will occur again. Before the Mutilation. They throw you a party and what everyone says to you is. You are going to be a woman.
For me at that time .everytime I heard the word woman. I panicked and literally scared. My cousin explain abit more. She said now that you have your period
You are a woman. That means you ready for marriage. You are not dying. Its a celebration for the family .
She must have told my mother and other aunties. All of a sudden they were whispering and I can see in their faces the happiness. I dont trust them. I am extremely wary of been hurt again. They are truly happy.. my aunty says. Mashallah( praise the lord) you are a woman
The problem is my period doesn't come right. I can hardly urinate. So its absolutely horrific pain I feel. I feel the whole abdomen area is on fire. I am on bed. Every movement is pain. I cry silently, its something that I have mastered after the Mutilation
I cant do it too much. The pain feels like death. I tell my mom. She took me to the doctors. He tells her .you know your daughters problem. She can't bleed normal. This is causing her so much pain. Let me open her a little. The answer was no .the doctor then said .
She might die from the infections problems this causes many problems. The answer was still no. I felt truly 😪 hurt again. I was on the bed thinking . Why . Why .whyyyyyy. I wanted to explode with screams but couldn't. I am silent suffere
Mom argued with the doctor telling him. You know our culture. She has to remain sealed up. She will survive
She says. Here is the thing
My mother believes with her heart what she is doing is in my best interests. The practice is part of the heritage. She dont see
Anything wrong with it. She was born into that. She believes if I wasn't mutated and seal up .I would be segregated and I will not get husband. For it was for my best interests even if she knew the cruelty of FGM. As she was mutilated too.
Periods because more nightmare. Every month I felt I was at deaths door step . Every month I was in agony beyond words. It started me into thinking. Why is becoming woman so painful. Why. For me many questions no answers again just like Mutilation.
After hitting 16yrs, I finding out why I was mutilated. Which was. To keep virgin for the future husband. So everything was about the future husband. Nothing for me all.Then I started to see the painful life Riddled with pain.
Mutilation pain
Period pain
Sex pain
Birth pain
Life itself pain. I just thought what is the point of been a life and been a woman its all about bloody pain. That's their version of woman.
Been a woman is truly sacred and beautiful. Been a woman is a privilege and you Are absolutely part of universe in a vital way
Been a woman means the world can't evolve with you . Humanity grows in your body then you become Portal for human to travel through. We are special. We are made from the essence of universe. No one can do what women can do. I appreciate and absolutely love my womanhood
The world 🌎 want to Control, and Kill you because you are a woman. I love you all with my heart. Teach your girls and boys how extraordinary they are. Teach them to respect each other. Teach them nothing to fear from women but much to gain from women's love
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