Please forgive a few food prep and feel-good Tweets in the moment. Remember, about three weeks ago, I didn't give two figs for this subject (but still felt urgings/leanings). What I might offer is this. A Paul who feels better starts to share creative ideas and approaches again.
For me (first) and then I might speak to the men. Friends and followers here read/saw me through a very difficult 2020. You didn't unfollow. You didn't block. You could have. I am grateful to all of you. I have little to offer, but I offer it earnestly and freely.
Men: I lost the handle on my own program. I was doing great about three years ago. So, I have put all of the weight back on. And it seemed like maybe I would not be able to take it off again over 50. These feelings that become beliefs can become damn near fatal.
But, after long December (in the literal and Counting Crows sense of the phrase), I've come to some new understandings. When I program to each better, I don't do it because my wife is doing it. I am not doing it support her efforts, cheering on from sidelines. I do it WITH her.
When I. . .when WE own a program, then were not doing it out of compliance. For me, it is an act of compassion at home. It seems to say to my heart-mate, I care enough about me/us to do something about this. Because I can. Because I should. Because you might need me around here.
In Tim Urban's TED talk regarding master procrastinators, he suggests we're all putting off something. That thing that doesn't have a deadline. That thing we have years to do, but aren't taking a moment to think that we can lose our lives in less than a minute. This is arresting.
So. Thank you for allowing for a "here's a new approach to eating" post here and there. It may be what one of us needs out here. I do. I need to hear it from more fellows. Even the heroic ones. Ms. Kristie doesn't do my meal prep. I do. Again, ownership. Commitment > Compliance.
We'll be back soon with new ideas and approaches to teaching and learning. In the meantime, I am beginning to feel better. I am starting to peek out into the stream again to see where I float best (remembering to bank my raft when it is time to sit, listen, and reflect).
I've even been thinking about a little Yoga for flexibility. Three weeks ago, I could not get down to my shoelaces without exertion (mostly postural). Who has a resource on Yoga for bigger fellows (that can be done at home in isolation away from others)?
You can follow @PaulWHankins.
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