I just had a (controversial) epiphany

To Brexiters telling me "You just want Brexit to fail"

You're damn right I do! I hope it is a catastrophic failure & UK crashes & burns

We've lost the right to live, work, travel & trade 'freely' in the largest trade bloc on the planet
10s of millions of people's lives have been made harder & poorer (financially, socially/culturally)

I knew it was a bad idea all along & like most people I want to be proved right (who doesn't?)

I don't want UK to stagger along like a cripple forever. I want it to die & rejoin
I wouldn't mind betting that more than a few Remainers say similar in private but refrain from admitting it in public, because of the animosity they would get from Brexiters or the embarrassment(?) of appearing to be 'unpatriotic', sore losers etc

Well, with Brexit, we all lose
I used to answer "You just want Brexit to fail" with "I don't have to want it to fail, it's inevitable"

I've changed my stance - I actively hope it's a disaster

These fascists will do whatever it takes to keep us out of the EU & democracy

We've seen what they've done so far...
and they are capable of worse, much worse
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