This is not a thread to change your life
This is an attempt to leverage simple design to convey complex principles.

Here I am trying to map the evolution of various disciplines practiced by man on 4 parameters

Read with patience & try to derive value in the process

Let's begin
Let's start with a principle-

What is simple is not easy.

Example - Most languages are simple. That is why a child picks it up naturally while observing the surroundings.
But rarely a language is easy. Dont believe it, try learning Chinese :)
Easy may not be obvious.

It's easy to be kind but not obvious to most people :)
It'd be easy to wake up early every morning only if the benefits were so obvious.

You see where I am going with this thread -
Easy, right? But not obvious :)
The next one is a bummer-

"Obvious is not always the truth"

Obviously the earth was flat, until we discovered it was not!
Sun revolved around the earth.

"If you work hard you will achieve success"-Obvious but may not be true

Am I killing it? I know it's obvious but not true😀
Truth is rarely known to everyone

Coz if it was then life would have been so much better.
Why will people follow Hitler if they knew the truth👽

Religion is a man's quest for truth!

But principles defined by a few & followed by many may or may not be truth

Enough controversy!
I hope I have not fucked your mind or mine 🤯

Atleast not yet!

So let's expand our first #principle

"What is simple is not always easy. Easy may not be obvious. Obvious is rarely true and truth is rarely known to everyone"

I hope that makes sense🤞
Now we examine various disciplines that evolved in human lifetimes over ages & where they fit on our above principle.

Let's take Maths- 2+2=4 Right?

Am I a genius? 😇

Not yet, I'd say ☺️

#Maths is abstract. Maths is complex. Maths is theoretical.
A few find maths easy but most people struggle with maths.

But the beauty about maths is it is not influenced by any.

No emotions at all. Perhaps why machines love maths ☠️

Not human at all and that is why Maths as a discipline is as close to truth as it can be

Maths is True
#Art is also abstract but not absolute like Maths

Art is evolving & thus neither simple nor easy

Not every man can understand art but every man can create art. Art is natural & obvious expression of a man

PS-This tweet is artwork @SimpleGeniusHQ
PPS-You may not appreciate it
You see this thread is getting philosophical🙃

Not my fault-It's so easy for a man to get philosophical😀

That's the next subject of our study #Philosophy

Easy but not simple. Definitely not necessarily true & also not obvious- It's not everyday that I become philosophical 🎯
Let's not get carried away in the deep sea of philosophy and summarise what we discussed so far

#Languages are simple but not easy
Maths is true but not simple, easy or obvious
#Art is obvious but neither simple nor easy
Philosophy is easy but neither simple nor obvious or true
Hope this is tickling your neural pathways by now 💫✨

If yes, then let's go into more subjects that are not as black & white but grey or rather colourful

Physics for example. Physics explains the laws of nature using Maths

#Physics is simple & true but not easy or obvious
#Biology on the other hand is easy but not simple.

It's easier to know that your child will get your DNA but complex to understand how or which gene will be passed

Offcourse it's not obvious but it's true.

"Biology- Everyone gets it but few understand it" - @SimpleGeniusHQ
"If you feel I am playing with your brains now, it's probably because I am" 🦹‍♀️

Either way you are right & on that note welcome #neurosciences

Neurosciences is relatively knew in the modern discipline but otherwise as old as Man.
#Occult #paranormal #psychology #subconscious #superconscious & whatever you can imagine.
"Your mind holds the cards and also plays the trick"

This discipline is trippy-True, Simple & Easy too but far far from obvious

Every man is different. Possibly why infinite universes
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