I’ve spent my life chasing ghosts. Yesterday I chased the ghosts of John Brown and his Raiders. 1/
2/ My journey took me through 3 states. The closer I got to Harpers Ferry, the closer I felt the division that sparked the Civil War.
3/ Seemingly every other house had Trump flags flying or Trump campaign signs still posted in the ground. Many had US flags that were no longer red, white & blue but were now black, white & blue. One flew a torn sun scorched flag of the Confederacy.
4/ I felt unsafe should I need help in one of the towns & a strong need to continue on. When it seemed like I was in the heart of the Confederacy itself, I saw a BLM flag and at least 2 Pride flags. My spirit was bolstered.
5/ My first stop was The Kennedy Farm aka John Brown’s Headquarters. John Brown & his Raiders spent months hiding out here preparing for the raid on the Harpers Ferry arsenal.
6/ The ghosts of history were strong here. The ground radiated energy and the rocks held their stories.
7/ John Brown and his Raiders lived here. They hid out. They planned and prepared.
10/ Walking the grounds I could see the Raiders riding off in the dark of night to Harpers Ferry.
11/ October 16, 1859.
12/ Eighteen men who would change the course of history.
13/ It took me 20 minutes by car traveling narrow mountain roads to get to Harpers Ferry. It took John Brown & his 18 Raiders 2 hours.
14/ This is the view from the original position of the Engine House aka John Brown’s Fort. The Engine House was later relocated to make way for a railroad embankment visible in this picture.
15/ “I came here from Kansas and this is a slave state; I want to free all the negroes in this state; I have possession now of the United States armory, and if the citizens interfere with me, I must only burn the town and have blood.” - John Brown
16/ The Engine House aka John Brown’s Fort.
17/ “If you die, you die in a good cause, fighting for liberty. If you must die, die like a man.” - John Brown to his son Oliver who died in the Engine House early hours October 18.
18/18 They say John Brown’s Raid failed. But as I drove home though those same small towns I saw earlier flying Trump flags, I once again saw the BLM & Pride flags. And I knew John Brown & his Raiders still live.
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