One of my favourite facts about Paris, it's one of the few cities with an entirely separate "grey" non potable water supply, from the canal de l'Ourcq, for street cleaning, fountains, watering parks etc.
Visitors will often notice (well I do cos I'm weird) water running down the gutters gushing from what might look like water leaks.

They are in fact deliberate, directed by a roll of old rug the street cleaners carry
Which then allows the hard working men and women in green of Propreté de Paris to sweep the gutters clean.
Note the design of the broom, the directionally pointed brush has changed little from the "witches' broomstick" as they figured it's actually the best design for cleaning city gutters
The system, put in place by Baron Haussmann, ensured Parisian streets could stay clean without wasting treated potable water.
The supply of water runs down the Canal de l'Ourcq, into the Bassin de la Villette, then into the Canal St. Martín (of Amelie fame)
Ending in the somewhat amazing Reservoirs de Passy in the 16eme.

So if and when you next see water running down the gutters in Paris, fear not, it's not clean water going to waste!
Incidentally, fresh water supply to Paris is another amazing story, which warrants its own thread.

In the meantime enjoy these Wallace Fountains supplying clean, free, drinking water to Parisians every day.
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