Someone Said "You can't Start A Side Hustle While Being Employed" Is That True?

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-Want to be your own boss? start a side hustle while still on the 9-5 job.

Use these 10 Action Steps.

1)Prepare for the Long Journey.

>> Before you start a side hustle, you should ask yourself how will you succeed? Will you solve people's problems? Have all the answers.

>> Remember your side hustle will take most of your time you used to spend after the job.
>> At the start the side hustle needs much effort to succeed. Be sure if it's something you're willing to sacrifice.

>> If you're ready to sacrifice, develop a plan and the path through which will help you in the long journey.
2) Identify Your Skills.

>> Don't start a side hustle with little to no skill, for you to get results quick (not guaranteed) you should do something you love as a side hustle.

>> Because chances of succeeding are great compared to no skills. But if you lack it just learn it.
3) Test Your Side Hustle With Your First Customer.

>> You may have a great idea but customers can ignore it.

>> In oder to avoid that be sure to test if your product/service will solve people's problems in real life.

>> You can do that by obtaining the feedback of the customer
>> Especially the first paying customers. Ask them if they will choose Your service/product again.

>> Collect their views, and solve on the NO answers, leave ideas or change them those getting bad feedbacks.
4) Avoid Competition.

>> When starting a side hustle, you should differentiate your side hustle from other sellers (Competitors).

>> Prevent this by having good pricing offers, good customer service, great bonuses etc.

>> Let them choose you, and come back for more.
5) Have Clear Goals.

>> Don't aim for 100s customers on start, have a goal to serve 1 customer, then 10,50,100 up to infinity.

>> Have practical goals that you'll attain daily, weekly, monthly. Develop it with no high expectations to avoid quitting.
6) Create an Action Plan that will Force You to Launch.

>> Good ideas should be launched, create a simple action plan that will guide you till the successful launch date.

>> Have all the necessary things/materials needed for the launch.
>> Don't wait for the perfect time, there's no such thing. Put it on launch, develop it by gaining experience.

>> Tell your friends, family and other people who support you. Put yourself responsible for the launch.

>> Ensure it's launched on that particular date.
7) Delegate Work Outside of Your Expertise.

>> When doing business you'll be not an expert on all skills, for example you may be good at sales, marketing, and customer care but no packing or graphic skills.

>> Delagate work to others save time, don't learn a new skill no time .
8) Ask for Customer Feedbacks.

>> Have a tendency of obtaining feedback from customers, ensure you solve the bad feedback than smiling at the good ones.

>> Sometimes the customer may lie to you, insit them to give true feedbacks, don't be upset take them as challenges, solve.
9) Respect Your Job's Working Hours.

>> Do things wisely, don't work on your side hustle during job hours, you'll get fired.

>> Utilize well your time, have a self discipline, you'll succeed both at work and on your side hustle.
10. Understand When is Necessary To Quit Your Job.

>> You should know side hustle will temptet you from quitting your job.

>> Quit only if it pays you 50%-75% higher than the regular job.

>> But there's no need just keep it as another source of income.

>> Don't have high expectations when starting so don't quit, but the best time to start a side hustle is when you're still on the 9-5 job.

>> This will help you cover most of your expenses.
>> The easiest side hustle to start are online side hustles.

>> I recommend affiliate marketing, if you need a help, I'll guide you to start an online side hustle.

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