Here is a thread you should read if you live with a non morning person
You don't create a conversation with us the minute we open our eyes, we don't like it and we think it's psychopath behavior..
The first 10 minutes into waking up is really important to us. Most of us wake up confused so we're trying to adjust the brain back to reality.
We usually hate the morning greetings.. They agitate the hell out of us but we try so hard not to show that because it's good courtesy.
Don't tell us what to do.. " tsoha u alole... O lo fiela..." we know what we have to do... The fact that you had to tell us makes it worse because we might not even do it the way we're supposed to.
Again.. Forcing us to talk to yall minutes into waking up affects our entire day. We can get moody or bitter the whole day.
Let me finish my coffee, tea... Or the entire breakfast in peace since you're not so normal and you want to create conversations in the morning. Like Who does that..?!
People who give us morning calls from our cellphones....
You're entire existence is only annoying in the morning. Just.... Please don't talk to us untill after we've had our breakfast ohk..?! We're not stuck up.. It's just how we are.. We don't understand it too hey.
We function after breakfast 😂
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