I’m a relatively new ARMY, but I think I’ve always said and observed how the success of BTS is insane because it is organic. And by that I mean ARMYs really & wholeheartedly believed in them so much, pushing for their mainstream success despite all the odds being against them. https://twitter.com/telepathyfor7/status/1355631379523002372
Maybe it’s because I come from a social science background and I am first and foremost a consumer of Westernized media, but I feel like people really need to recognize what a big fucking deal it is for them to achieve such massive success and influence being who they are.
It’s the fact that they have converted people like me & truly established personal connections with each of their fans... to the point that these people push through the xenophobia & stupid shit that impedes them from achieving everything they deserve. That’s what keeps me in awe
And that’s probably why I will always push so hard for them, harder than I’ve ever expected to push for anyone. And it’s really crazy to me, but no one comes close (except maybe Taylor Swift uwu)

Anyways, nice thread. Lots of dissonance/gaps/differences in xp that sorta shit
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