Going to therapy for abuse does not actually mean the abuse no longer happened. You get over the negative impacts of abuse as best as you can, but you were still abused, & you still retain an appropriate amount of anger about that.
Forgiving abusers is important for SOME abuse victims, but it isn't actually necessary for recovery. We just live in a Christian-centric society that puts forgiveness as some grand virtue when it truly isn't.
When abusers die & victims exhibit relief, it doesn't mean those victims need therapy. It means those victims are relieved their abusers can no longer hurt them or others. That relief can manifest in a lot of different ways.
Going to therapy, if anything it often makes you even happier when an abuser dies, b/c therapy makes you understand you weren't at fault & couldn't control their actions, & they're still out their able to hurt others.
Therapy is not a memory eraser. It doesn't negate the harm done to you. It's like going to a doctor to set a bone, even if it heals well, the bone will always be weaker. An abuse victim, even after healing, is always a little weaker on that break point.
For the rest of your life, no matter how much therapy you get, an abuse victim will have flares when someone touches those memories. And that's only natural. Our bodies & mind aren't invincible & carry scars forever.
Don't tell angry abuse victims to go to therapy. What you're really saying is "go to a doctor to minimize your very justifiable pain" & that is NEVER OK.
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