7 Things Nobody Tells You About Being A Ghostwriter (Until You Are One): A F'ing Lit Thread

Nobody tells you that most aspiring authors feel ashamed to admit they used a Ghostwriter . . . until you tell them that 85% of New York Times bestsellers are ghostwritten. 1/7
Nobody tells you that there is 0 skill difference between getting paid $500 . . . and $50,000. What determines the difference is how valuable the book you write. Not how well it passes spell check. 2/7
Nobody tells you how bad the Ghost Rider jokes will be. 3/7
Nobody tells you that authors really want to see writing samples . . . until a certain point in your career when they couldn't care less. 4/7
Nobody tells you when you'll reach that point ☝ either. 5/7
Nobody tells you that learning how to sell ghostwriting is as important as ghostwriting well. 6/7
Nobody tells you how to ghostwrite books that make your clients big money, which is why I do now. Sure, you can write a literary masterpiece for your client, but if they see 0 return from it directly or indirectly, you were a waste of money. Sorry not sorry. 7/7
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