the fundamental misunderstanding of decolonization is that it too like reaction seeks a return to a prelapsarian past; that us decolonialists are the left wing of blood and soil.

This is false. The decolonial reality is simply the return of control and the mending of wounds.
to be allowed some degree of control and say over your lands, some sort of compensatory measure for the seizure and genocide of your people, to live with all in harmony, where every land is a safe haven for all peoples.
believing that all decolonizers want is to return to the past is to conflate primitive communism and communism, a complete misunderstanding of the subject matter driven by a desire not to understand, but to lash out at something unknown.
the true reality, of both the communist movement and the decolonialist movement, and why members of both movements have for so long considered each other brothers, is the desire not to return, or to destroy, but to build something new, something never before seen.
(to add a footnote and to attack the author of the quoted thread's statement) these nations are not dead. They exist. They are living things which still operate and whose laws are still followed, even legally. Nations are not a fixed thing, but are malleable and changeable.
the fundamental truth is that there is no communism without the end of colonialism and there is no end of colonialism without the establishment of socialism
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