✨ a thread of tarot tips, by mickey

everybody reads their own way, and sometimes it’s fun to learn from each other! here are a few of my tips. feel free to ask questions, too.
1. talk to your deck about your day. this is a great way to learn how cards apply to you. i’m the person who reads the guide for each of my decks, and a way i’ve gotten to learn the energy of each deck is by having a conversation with my deck about my day. i’ll recall quotes, -
feelings, events, and i’ll go through my deck to find the card that lines up with the guidebook. this is a great way to strengthen your discernment and help you figure out what your deck tells you when you’re reading. know yourself through your deck - you’ll be able to recall -
definitions and meanings more easily if there’s something tangible in your personal life as a base.

2. if your deck is ever being “wonky,” try organizing it in order (major arcana, wands, cups, swords, pentacles) and letting it “charge” under natural light. you can leave -
your deck out on a windowsill overnight. this is personally how i clear a deck whenever it feel like i’ve exhausted the energy and just need to re-boot it.

3. don’t be afraid to clarify anything! always clarify. whenever i read i end up pulling 30+ cards, the majority of which -
are clarifiers. good questions when asking for clarification, in my opinion, are like “tell me more about this,” “what are signs of this,” “how do they feel about this.” ask around to get a full picture before you ask for timeline. sometimes you’ll get the answer in clarifying -
the scope of things.

4. don’t be afraid to google. but be sure you google all over and look at various definitions. you’ll know when the right one clicks.

5. sometimes, a spread might not make sense - try reversing a major arcana and seeing if the spread makes sense then. -
i don’t always do this, but i’ve noticed that typically if i reverse a card, sometimes the spread will suddenly make sense. it’s okay if things shift as you read sometimes. if not a major arcana, a page/knight. :-)
6. get comfortable with the pentacles suite. it tells you more about intention and emotion than you’d think. the five of pentacles, seven of pentacles, and eight of pentacles are incredibly rich cards. they’re more than just work!!

7. for me, the world card signifies -
more than just travel, changes, shifts. it’s a card i’ve grown to understand as a “sometimes things external to you are causing things to go a certain way, and sometimes you just don’t get to know.” having a “external” card as a signal for when you’ve maxed what you’re looking -
for helps a lot with discernment, and it helps humanize you in the world of tarot. don’t forget the world is a scary place, and that we don’t always get to know everything. turning this into guidance via tarot is incredibly powerful, and helps tenfold with discernment. -
/end. i have a few more tips but i’ll save them for another time! thanks for reading boos. again, everybody reads their own way. do what feels right. these are just some of my personal staples :’)
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