Thread: Something I've noticed as Celtic spiral from crisis to crisis is that anonymous account have been appearing with seemingly close ties to the Celtic board and have been tweeting with the sole purpose of defending the board. Let's take one example: @gonzagabd1
The account has only tweeted 30 times. All have been since the defeat to St Mirren. All of them have been defending the board - particularly billionaire majority shareholder Dermot Desmond - with supposed "inside knowledge". This raised my curiosity so I did a bit of digging.
So who is @gonzagabd1? Well, Gonzaga is a private boys school in Dublin. It's had a number of notable alumni including Irish international rugby players and Irish cabinet ministers. Oh and it was also attended by at least one of Dermot Desmond's sons, Brett Desmond. BD.
To shed a bit more light I decided to look at who GonzagaBD follows. They only follow 83 accounts so it didn't take long. The majority of accounts followed are professional golfers. Fair enough, the Desmonds' are known to be big golf fans but so are lots of people in Ireland.
More of note are some of the other accounts followed: London City Airport, Greencore Group, Daon, Barchester Healthcare, Sandy Lane Resort, Five Guys. What do these have in common? They're all businesses owned or previously owned by the Desmond family.
It has to be said that golfers aside, the account doesn't seem to be that interested in following many people from pop culture. With the exception of the Corrs of course. Coincidentally, Brett Desmond is married to Andrea Corr.
Also among the 83 followed? Zozimus bar which is owned by another Desmond son, Derry. The only footballer followed? Andriy Shevchenko, a good mate of the third son Ross. As for Albert's private members club in Chelsea. Weirdly that's not Desmond owned. Well, not yet anyway
What about the likes you ask? Well, there's not many - only 28 and again mostly golf related. But the very first one dates back to 2012 and involves a bit of support for Dermot himself being re-appointed as Celtic director. Sadly that was the only like that tweet managed to gain.
I have no way of definitively knowing who is behind the @gonzagabd1 account. They seem to have a remarkably close interest in the Desmond family and its businesses. Only they can confirm exactly where that interest and knowledge stems from. What I do have an issue with is this:
This is a time of crisis at Celtic. The fans are being rinsed for a fortune and served a shambles. We need accountability. Yet these anonymous accounts apparently linked to the powerbrokers in the boardroom are trying to shut down legitimate criticism online.
This type of behaviour reeks of the culture of entitlement and arrogance that has festered in the Celtic board for so long and has ultimately led to this disaster that is this season. Without genuine reflection on their role in the mistakes made then the club won't progress.
So @gonzagabd1, in the spirit of transparency and dialogue, I invite you to come forward, enlighten us all on your involvement with the club and lets debate openly how we move forward with the restructuring that is so urgently needed.
Considering it’s nearly 3am I’d much rather have been sleeping than researching that but since completely unprompted gonzaga started getting wide on my post it had to be done
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