Before Wall Street was the center of financial trade, it was the largest slave market in the North. Yes, and it is STILL located in that same area. And exactly 309 years ago, enslaved Africans revolted against them and introduced us to the deadliness of capitalism.

It’s 1711, New York became the epicenter of the slave market. Majority of slaves who were stolen and kidnapped from West Africa were sent up to there and sold. There were horrible conditions for the enslaved on the ship to “America” and even more brutality from the market itself.
Less than a year later, in 1712, enslaved Africans used the tenets of their religion to stage a revolt. They set fires to the homes of the slave owners to signal other slaves to begin revolting. When slavers came out of the homes, armed Africans attacked. They killed 9 slavers.
This was the first time a major slave revolt happened almost anywhere in the World, and the slavers got exactly what they dished out to the enslaved Africans.
During the end of the revolt, the remaining slavers and guardsman attempted to capture all of the revolting slaves, because they were considered property, they did not want to kill them in fear of losing a ROI (return on investment).
6 slaves who were close to capture committed suicide instead of becoming enslaved again. It makes you think of the quote from Erik Killmonger in Black Panther, "Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage."
After the revolt ended the high magistrate decided to brutally and publicly execute all of the revolting enslaved in disgustingly graphic ways like: burning them alive, crushing them with a stone wheel, hanging, or by drawing and quartering.
After this, Wall Street “traders” (slavers) were so terrified of what could happen next time if there were another revolt they lobbied their governors to establish stricter laws to help protect their “profits”. And THIS is how CAPITALISM was introduced to the Americas.
Here’s a list of companies that aided/profited from slavery and made TRILLIONS.

- New York Life
- Aetna
- Wells Fargo
- JP Morgan & Chase
- Citibank
- Brooks Brothers
- Barclays
- The Rothschild Family

None have tried to repair damage they caused.
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