The diaspora and 1st generation immigrants that don’t understand some AAs drive for the monopoly on blackness don’t understand the history. If you understand in American context ‘black’ exists as a distinct political category separate from the global racial one you’ll be cool.
The very specific treatment of African Americans in America from slavery, through to Jim Crow, and civil rights with literal laws called ‘Black Codes’ which enforced political and economic disenfranchisement (post ‘freedom), allowed sharecropping, legalise lunching, segregation..
So yes, ‘Black’ people in that context can refer to that specific subset of the global black grouping, and their experiences and subsequent lack of access to mainstream America and the benefits built on the blood of their direct ancestors. Not the global black racial category
Affirmative action is corrective justice in America designed to address the centuries of injustice for that population (and it is not nearly enough) so it is understandable that benefits designed for those people are begrudged of their black neighbours with differing experiences
That is not to say that the rest of the diaspora and 1st generation immigrants were and are not subject to global suffering,and disadvantage, or that the continental colonial or island slave experience was any less traumatic or harrowing. But the context is appropriate to America
So some ADOS people may have gone clear yes, but they in concept don’t really differ so much in their disaggregation efforts from those of us that highlight the importance of giving individualised attention to the B in BAME. Differing experience and different needs.
That is not to excuse the xenophobia, outright anti (non US) blackness or anti Africanness of people who have perverted the message or misapplied a valid foundation to pursue an agenda or push prejudice.
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