Conspiracy Theory of an Ermine - Why the GOP NEEDS Marjorie Taylor Green

55 years ago, Life Magazine predicted the GOP would have a choice to make. Become a “white man’s party” or appeal to a more diverse electorate. We know what they chose (1)
Over the years, the GOP realized that one day, this choice would come back to haunt them. It was predicted in the 80’s that soon after the turn of the century, they would face a time when POC and liberal voters would outnumber them. This just happened (2)
They knew they had to act, and so they began a strategy that would hopefully delay the inevitable until they could sieze power. They knew their strategy needed several components. The battle would have many fronts, and it would take them all to win the war and stay in power. (3)
Polls have shown for decades that white people vote Republican at much higher percentages than POC. Therefore they had to keep America WHITE as long as possible & find a way to keep POC, whether black or Hispanic, out of the country & away from the voter booth (4)
1/ Immigration: The driving force behind the GOP’s immigration policy is to find a way to keep immigrants out, unless of course they are white people with blonde hair and blue eyes. Hence their very strict immigration policies & hence Donald Trump's escalator speech (5)
“When Mexico sends their people they aren’t sending their best”

This led to “BUILD THE WALL”, “migrant caravans”, the zero tolerance policy, family separation, and the cancellation of asylum. Texas and Arizona in particular were at risk of turning blue & it was an emergency (6)
We just witnessed it...AZ just went blue and Texas was a close call in 2018 when Beto made Traitor Ted sweat. This is why they kidnapped babies, they knew it was gonna come down to a handful of votes and this was their LAST CHANCE so they went ALL IN in 2020 (7)
Next was The Muslim Ban which had ZERO to do with terrorism. ALL about keeping POC likely to vote BLUE out of the country, keeping America white. 2 states Muslim immigrants seem to migrate to are MN and MI, both swing states Trump won in 2016 & they needed badly in 2020 (8)
2/ Social Justice

Why do black people get locked up more often & longer than white people? Because in prison, you can’t procreate & you can’t vote. Black people have been getting locked up for decades for this exact reason. Black women specifically just saved the world (9)
3 strikes, War On Drugs, Stop and Frisk, mandatory minimums...all a war on black people to keep them from voting, to break up families & to oppress their communities. Systemic racism engineered to keep white people in power for decades was a huge part of their strategy (10)
3/ Voter Suppression & Gerrymandering

Yes systemic racism is part and parcel of voter suppression, but white supremacists needed more targeted ways to stop black people from voting specifically in red & swing states like Georgia, which needed a run off to elect 2 democrats (11)
Voter ID laws, reducing/moving polling stations, registration difficulties, purging voter rolls, restricting early voting & suppressing mail in ballots are all ways the GOP has used VOTER SUPPRESSION to keep white people in power. It worked until they decided enuff is enuff (12)
Gerrymandering is drawing the boundaries of a district in a manner that will help your party win. Gym Jordan’s district pictured below is one of the most gerrymandered districts in America and the only way a POS like Gym could win a damn dog catcher election (13)
So WHY is the title of this thread “Why the GOP need MTG” ?

The GOP has known for decades that their days were numbered. Trump2020 was their MAKE IT OR BREAK IT MOMENT. They had their golden calf in the WH & they had to keep him there this election of risk losing it all (14)
They had pulled out ALL THE STOPS. EVERY VOTE counted. They were kidnapping babies for goodness sake. This was it. Win in 2020 or NEVER BE IN POWER AGAIN. They even unleashed their army on The Capitol out of desperation, they broke every rule in the book in 2020 (15)
Here is the good part though. THEY FAILED. 40 years of preparing for this single moment in time when they had a shot at destroying America and capturing the country possibly forever...FAILED...with Trump out and Biden in, it was one massive failure...And they know it (16)
The Blue Wave & John Lewis Voting Rights Act will start eliminating voter suppression & gerrymandered districts, Immigration Reform is coming, The Muslim Ban gone...all of it...They lost & woke the country up...White Supremacists will never sit in the oval again...UNLESS (17)
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