I think they're both wrong and both right—and I'm not trying to be cute in saying so. Yes, we knew who Trump was years ago, so those who aided him made a grave moral error. But we do have to acknowledge that some, like Scaramucci, recanted and tried to repent.

*So many* haven't. https://twitter.com/CrossConnection/status/1355557527254011909
There's no getting around that no one could make common cause with Trump after 2015 without it being a profound moral and ethical misstep.

But if we don't distinguish between those who turned aside from that error and those who are still Trump cultists, where does that leave us?
Where I disagree with Scaramucci is on the matter of what percent of the GOP is morally and ethically salvageable.

We've *repeatedly* seen in voter polls, in House votes, and in Senate votes that the percentage is almost *precisely* 10%. It's not the two-thirds Scaramucci hopes.
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