Hey, today I told my therapist that the adrenaline I’ve been relying on for the past 10 months or so has kinda... run out.

He said he’s been hearing that from like every other client this month, so if you’re feeling that too, you’re not alone.
I’m not burned out, well, maybe slightly burned out. Not the like, total shut-down burnout. But it feels like I don’t really know what I’m doing that week until Friday. And then it’s Friday.

I’m sleeping better though, so that’s a good thing.
I’m thinking I relaxed just enough over the holidays, had a little mini-burst to start up again, and then body was just like “nope, no thank you.”
My dear American friends, I’m Canadian. This feeling is actually not about your previous president, at all.

It’s definitely my job.

Anyway, if you’re a manager of people make sure you’ve got systems in place and you’re not relying on individual people to hold it together.
I’m really happy for all of you that feel this relates to the change of power in the US, but there are plenty of other things that contribute to this feeling. And I think a big one is that “temporary” changes made at work to survive this pandemic don’t feel temporary anymore.
Moving a workplace from in-person to online is bound to reveal some organizational weaknesses that were being compensated for by informal contact between co-workers.

I encourage anyone in a position to do something about those weaknesses to do so, and take care of your people.
We’re also still not talking about this much because it feels gauche when so many people lost their jobs.

But we need to find a way to make space to talk about the dysfunction at work during pandemic times, and I’m not talking about another article reminding me to stretch more.
Because, let me be clear, the stress is real, and the consequences of that stress are real, and none of them go away whenever we “go back to the office”.

If you’re hurting your employees now, you’re still going to have to deal with that hurt eventually. It doesn’t go away.
There are multiple therapists replying to this telling me they’ve been seeing the same thing for the past month, so, the canary, she sings.
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