The Maay language is rich and diverse. There are many dialects within the language depending on geographical and tribal differences. Some linguists believe that some of those that are now classified as dialects of Maay to be their own languages e.g Dabarre, Tunnii & Jiddu...
The main dialects are:
1. The Raxanweyn - the most widespread. Has its own unique accents that are associated with every subclan. Speakers of Maay can easily know someone's subclan by just hearing them speak.
2. The DHOBOY - spoken by some Digil in L. Shabelle by Geledi/Begedi
3. JIDDU - is one of the oldest Cushitic languages. Spoken by the numerous Jiddu of L. Shabelle and Mdiddle Juba.

4. DABARRE - spoken by the Dabarre and Iroole subclans of the Digil. Found in Diinsoor of Baay and Middle Jubba.

5. TUNNI - spoken by the Tunni people and their...
Associates. Spoken in L. Shabelle esp Barawa district and in Middle Jubba.

6. "BANTU MAAY" - is a collection of dialects spoken by the Somali Bantus of Southern Somalia esp around the Jubba River.

N.B. The Garre subclan of Digil (Kenya) also speak "Afaan Garri" which is closer
To "Afaan Oromo" than to Maay. The Garre in Somalia speak both "Af Garre" and "Af Maay".
It should also be noted that most of these languages/dialects are not mutually intelligible thus "AF RAXANWEYN" is the lingua franca of these people and is spoken as a second language by all.
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